Feines absurdes

Una teoría

Tapa blanda, 436 páginas

Idioma Català

Publicado el 9 de septiembre de 2019 por Editorial Descontrol.

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5 estrellas (2 reseñas)

“El 1930 John Maynard Keynes va predir que a finals de segle la tecnologia hauria avançat fins a tal punt que en països com el Regne Unit o els Estats Units la jornada laboral s’hauria pogut reduir fins a les quinze hores setmanals. […]

Per què la utopia que ens va prometre Keynes no s’ha acabat de materialitzar mai? […] És ben bé com si en algun lloc hi hagués algú que s’anés inventant feines inútils només per tenir-nos ocupats. […] Si algú hagués dissenyat un sistema laboral amb l’objectiu precís de mantenir el poder del capital financer, no se m’acut de quina manera ho hauria pogut fer millor.”

18 ediciones

Much more than just the original essay padded out over 300 pages.

5 estrellas

I was afraid that this was going to be a padded out version of his original essay, but I needn't have worried. Give Graeber 300 pages, and he'll give you ideas worth 600 of them. Coupled with his keen sense for observational comedy, and you get a book that's easy to read, keeps your attention, and highly entertaining.

Interesting Critique of the World of Work

4 estrellas

This is an interesting read. It was interesting to me as someone aspiring to not have a job and close to making that happen. The look at "why have jobs?" and "why treat them as so sacred?" really hit home.

I have long said that this reverence for having a job is rooted in Puritanism. Recently I am wondering if it is more deeply internalized capitalist frames. Graeber's viewpoint is that it is some of both, which I found interesting.

This book was a good companion piece to Chokepoint Capitalism