Dzieci Diuny

, #3

Tapa blanda, 576 páginas

Idioma Polski

Publicado el 15 de marzo de 2022 por Rebis.

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4 estrellas (3 reseñas)

Upłynęło dziewięć lat, odkąd oślepiony Muad’Dib ruszył samotnie na pustynię na spotkanie z Szej-huludem. W tym czasie Imperium rządziła jego siostra Alia. Na drodze opętanej regentce wciąż jednak stoją prawowici następcy Paula – Leto i Ganima. Dzieci są też zagrożeniem dla rodu Corrinów, odwiecznego wroga Atrydów, chcącego ponownie zasiąść na Tronie Złotego Lwa.

Bliźnięta, którym również grozi opętanie, podejmują dramatyczną walkę na kilku frontach. Tymczasem na Arrakis pojawia się charyzmatyczny niewidomy Kaznodzieja, który bardzo przypomina ich zmarłego ojca...

53 ediciones

A good weird boy

4 estrellas

An improvement over Messiah, but it suffers the same problem the first two books had: for all of the foreshadowing and interior monologues about the path ahead, the main actual surprise appears mostly out of nowhere. Still, the action is well done and the fantastic elements are inspiringly weird. I wish Alia’s characterization was better or the last book had led more towards the state in this book, but it was still a fun read.

Still lost in the Spice Trance

3 estrellas

I read the first three Dune books in a row.

I think the best summary of my review is that I had to read a recap of the book when I finished it as I got really lost in the plot this time. This book, as seen in the previous volume, expands on the struggle for power over the galactic empire between the main characters I didn’t get lost in the different plot points, but I was just very confused in understanding what each character was plotting for and why they were taking the actions they were taking. I couldn’t break that wall to understand the character’s psyche and in a way could not identify with them in any way. Once again, it felt to me like the main characters had very similar personalities though I can note the development of Alia and Paul/The Preacher. To me those character developments …